Monday, September 14, 2015

Snake People!

Millennials have been the in the spotlight of everyone. Businesses want to pick our brains and see what will motivate us to buy. Politicians want to know how to get our swing votes. Everyone seems like Millennials are the biggest mystery on the planet, but at the same time they make outrageous generalizations about them. CBS did a "60 Minutes" on Millennials titled The "Millennials are Coming". It focused on how the older generation should be afraid of the new upcoming worker. Apparently to CBS, Millennials have been raised by parents who gave them everything they ever wanted and that have never lost anything, nor will take no for an answer. In other words, Millennials are bossy divas.

You might be confused why I named my post "Snake People!" instead of something about Millennials, let me explain. This negative connotation that accompanies the title Millennial was recently taken a step further. A non-Millennial released an app that will replace the word Millennial anytime it appears with "snake people". A hilarious rouse to say the least, but it does prove my point of how Millennials get a bad reputation.

In conclusion, I am a Millennial. I don't like being labeled. I want to get a good job when I grow up, and when people have a generalization in their mind during an interview with me it can hurt my chances. Just to clarify, a lot of what is floating around what we Millennials call the Internet is true. We are frugal and plan out our futures, but the way we dress and the way we act varies just like an other human being.


  1. The older generation focuses so much on the faults of millennials without any of the things we do better.

  2. I agree that our positive points are often over looked. Some of the hardest workers I know, some of the most meticulous people, are millenials.

  3. Are there any other examples in the media that portray this?
