Never show your skin. Never look a man directly in the eyes. Don't speak. Make your presence unknown. Your opinion is only that of your husbands. Muslim women have always been portrayed as hidden creatures without their own opinion or thoughts. Their cloaks seem to wrap away their inner secrets as easily as it conceals their figure. The media promotes strongly this idea that Muslim women are not their own person but instead a silent statue, submissive to the views of their husbands and religious leaders. As shown by the video, these beliefs are directly from the god above and therefore should be the first thought in every woman's mind. The women in these countries are firm believers in bowing to the rules of their god who speaks through the voice of their male leaders.
This view is extremely limited, because it portrays the idea that Muslim women are okay with being lesser when in many regards this is not true. The single story portrays that the women are okay with their position. It can also give the false image that the women of these nations feel no need to ever have a say or control their own lives. If these women had a chance to speak, I believe their response and opinions would shock us all. Some find the full body dress a good thing but have greater desires to regain gender equality within all aspects of their lives.
In today's society many women are finding a voice. However in a world that has been so predominantly ruled by men for such a long period of time, the situation is not easy. But women are slowly publishing their voice, through mixed media, and as supporters grow, the world has come to realize that these women do in fact have a voice to share. They are not weak individuals hidden from the world, but human beings who want equal rights and more then anything to be understood. As can be seen in the different images and video, the strict rules that women follow confuse us, but the soft eyes peering out portray a message of sorrow, a message of pain, hidden beneath the folds of cloth.
I loved this story. I think too often we forget that these women are strong, and are pushing their messages out there. There are sharing their voice, and they are being heard.
I loved this story. I think too often we forget that these women are strong, and are pushing their messages out there. There are sharing their voice, and they are being heard.