Thursday, September 11, 2014

Black Women in the Media

      It took me about ten seconds to find the last photo to perfectly portray the single story of American black women in modern media. The point is that there is an overwhelming amount of black females being portrayed the same exact way in film, tv, youtube and facebook. That is the sassy woman who is either just the best friend of the main charicter, who is normally white, or a comic relief. 
     The first video is a ten minute long example of a black woman on a candid camera show, with some pretty good commentary about it in the end. The commentator said, " All women can have bad and sassy attitudes but the media chooses to make the angry charicter a dark skinned black women, because that is how it has always been and they don't want to change." Black females are rarely if ever portrayed as a voice of reason which is a completly redicilous portrayel of such a large percent of the American population. 
    There is some push back against this single story though. Married to Medicine, shown in the second photo is a show from Brovo that only portrayed black female charicters as brash, sassy and unreasonable. Real and resonable black women eventally raised enough of an outcry to get the show pulled because it did not accuratly dipict them in the least bit. 


  1. It's interesting that the media portrays BBB (big black and beautiful) women the way that they do... BBB just perpetuates this!

  2. Haha, it is so true, and it is unfortunate. I am glad we were able to watch the talk of the Single Story the other day and hopefully it will change the opinions of others.

  3. It is so true but its also hilarious. I would say that although it is slightly negative, it has come to be a part of something they love and embrace.

  4. This is absolutely a stereotype, but like Alec said, I think they have come to embrace the BBB. We all love the sassy black woman personality!

  5. I see this all the time in TV shows and movies. It is a stereotype that is way over used and way too harmful.

  6. I agree, this stereotype is a very popular one. I have a lot of African American friends and coincidentally, they all happen to be sassy, loud, and hilarious. I think that while it is a stereotype, a lot of black women have come to embrace it and are proud of who they are. I liked what Adichie said in "The Danger of a Single Story." She said, “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.”
    So certainly in this situation, it isn't always untrue that black women are sassy, but they aren't ONLY sassy. They are also great people who have more to their personality than the typical stereotype portrayed of them.
