Monday, September 8, 2014

Creative Assign. #1- Perception (Elisabeth-Anne Ashby)

I handed my 3 roommates a paper with four shapes drawn in the exact same spot and told them to finish the picture. The one roommate who drew the guy hanging from the cliff was half-asleep and wanted to get it down quickly. She used the least amount of color and detail. She, also, finished hers in about 5 minutes.

My other two roommates were wide-awake and spent more time on theirs. They even decided to take the time to use multiple colors and make it bright and vibrant.

The one that drew the ring actually got engaged the same night I asked her to do this. So, obviously her engagement influenced her drawings. It was interesting to see that she was the only one to really take all of the shapes and make them incorporate with each other. The “themes” behind all 4 of her drawings were all reflective of her engagement. With my other roommates, they drew 4 different objects.

I had told all three of them that they could connect the shapes if they wanted to. It was interesting to see that none of them chose to do this. They kept all the shapes separate from one another. Maybe it is easier for them to find 4 different objects than to combine them together into one.

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