Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cultural Perception #2 - Germans

When you search "germans" in Google Images, these are first 4 images that pop up. The Holocaust, WW2, Soldiers and beer with women in classical German dresses. These images give a Single Story that Germans are a killing, fighting, war society that praises women and beer. The first three images say that Germans must have a very strong history of fighting in wars and of brutality. This limits Germans from ever getting away from the terrible history that they have. People will always relate Germans to Hitler and the Holocaust, when that is something that they are trying to put behind them as a people. 

The fourth picture shows white German women drinking out of huge Bierkrugs. This makes people think that "that" is what Germans look like. That they are white, wear dresses and drink their beer out of huge glasses. It makes it seems like Germany is a constant party of drinking beer and women serving it to you. Germans will get asked if they wear those funny dresses or their Lederhosen, when in reality very few Germans actually own such clothing. It makes it appear as if Germany isn't a technologically advanced country and society. People think of "Oktoberfest" and think that it is the largest holiday there.
This was a trending video for a while on YouTube and other socially medias. It's a Single Story that Germans and the German language are an angry loud language and people. From this video, people will place Germans in the category of being not nice, happy and polite people. It strengthens the image that they are still the Holocaust WW2 Germany. 

If someone were to only learn about Germans and Germany from doing a Google search they would be sadly misinformed. The "Germans" and "Germany that are portrayed through these stories are people that don't exist anymore. The Holocaust is a part of who they are, but it is something that they have tried to put behind them and move on as a loving accepting country to all races and religions.


  1. This post is so true. I visited Germany a few summers ago and like you said no one was like the stereotype that is often conveyed. But the interesting part is, Germans use this to their advantage in their tourists towns and they embrace it, even though for most locals, that is not who they are.

  2. Okay this is great. My family had a German exchange student when I was in the fourth grade. I'm not going to lie, at first I thought there would be tons of tension with her because of hard feelings from World War II and stuff... Obviously nothing weird ever happened and she ended up becoming VERY close with my family and it was awesome! It's just funny how my young mind functioned back then and how I clearly knew nothing.
