Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cultural Perception: Immigrants from the Southern Border





Here I have found three articles and one YouTube video about the effects that illegal immigration has on the United States and its economy.  The main single story that is being represented by the media about immigrants coming in through Mexico is that they are ruining the economy, becoming criminals, and taking jobs away from United States citizens. The article I think that most represents the single story being portrayed is the one from infowars.com.  I knew what this article was wanting to say to me before I even read it because of the picture that they chose at the top.

I feel that the single story being portrayed about immigrants coming into the United States illegally is very damaging.  Not only does it affect the people who come in illegally, but it also affects those who have come here legally.  It has been shown in many instances that employers are more prejudiced in their hiring process towards Hispanics even if they are here legally.  Many of the things being said in these articles are also not very well researched, and so now the American public reads things that may not be true, but so many people in the media say them that the public now believes them to be true.  One example of that is that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, and that the money they receive goes straight out of the U.S. economy to support their families.  Once they are here immigrants have to find a place to live, and also get some sort of transportation. In today's world one needs to have a credit score in order to find a place to rent and the only way illegal immigrants can have a credit score is if they pay taxes.  They also have to pay for their rent, car, and groceries and so the majority of the money they make stays in the U.S. economy.

In conclusion, I feel like the negative media that is given to illegal immigrants unfairly paints an image in the eyes of the American people.  It is true that some of the people who come here end up in prison, or on welfare, or will work for lower wages, but we have plenty of people who are U.S. citizens who do the exact same things.  Never will we hear the idea of sending these people who do not contribute much to the social good out of the country though because that would not be fair.  Let those who come to the country try and make it for themselves, and at least give them the chance to better their lives.


  1. I agree with you here. I would love to see some of the other stories. I once watched a documentary on immigration, and people living here legally as well. It was really fascinating. I think when we clump all of a group together, and have a certain idea about them, we kind of lose sight that these are actual people with actual stories, and families, and feelings.

  2. I grew up in Southern California and always heard comments about deporting Mexicans. Most people don't consider they are coming to the US to create a better life for themselves and their family. Unfortunately, all it takes is a few bad examples to stick a label on them for being convicts or abusing welfare.

  3. I did this group without seeing that you did them. I didn't copy you and I also believe they are degraded by our country because of how the media portrays them.

  4. I also believe it is unfair to stick a label on a whole group of people just based off a few peoples actions and our reactions to them. No one should be defined by what others think of people who are from the same background as them.
