Monday, September 8, 2014

Differences in Perception

Perception 1 Assignment- Done next to the cougar eat in the big open area
My Observations
·         Camera guy leaning agains the tripod…Probably going to break it.
·         Massive TV on the wall that isn’t turned on now…But was turned on a few minutes ago…What happened.
·         8 macs in the room and only 4 PC’s
·         8 beams hold up the middle of the courtyard in the wilk.
·         A lot of writing on the learn to serve wall…Most of it is not easily readable.
·         Most people working by themselves or walking by themselves are either listening to music or on their phone…Not doing homework.
·         All groups are working on homework.
·         10 speakers around the room in the wilk courtyard.
·         Lady getting the free office 365 for free, but having issues so has called byu IT department.
·         Overall floor is clean, but small papers are around the room.
Michelle’s Observations
·         The structure of the wilk is quite stoic. It’s not very warm or inviting like much of campus, although it tries to be “inviting”
·         Many of the students here are either sucked into their phones/laptops, looking around awkwardly, or entranced with their FHE date.
·         Couples abound on BYU campus on Monday nights apparently. I guess it’s either you have a date or you go to your FHE group. I would do that too.  I hated going to my FHE group…but I just owned up to it and skipped out most of the time. Although I did pretend I had homework or work during it a lot…lol.
·         Due to the rain outside I feel that many are going at a more sluggish pace. The rain tends to create an atmosphere of mutedness. Everything is muted. The noise, the workings of your brain, etc.
·         Many of these students look super stressed. I wonder how many of them have an issue with the perfectionistic culture we have here at BYU. There is one boy with an orange covered macbook pro that looks especially ready to buckle down. But he’s the clean cut, white, average BYU male. I bet he struggles with that sometimes. Worries about all that he has to do and all that he is supposed to accomplish. I don’t see a wedding ring…at least he’s not married then. Although he does seem older…so that could definitely factor into our perfectionistic culture.
·         There’s a group of individuals in one corner. Mostly girls. One boy that was with them is now leaving and one of the girls promptly made fun of the way he waved goodbye to them.

·         Michelle’s is more based on people and her personal thoughts of what they are doing and usually includes a personal experience she has had.
·         My observations are more based on objects in the room, not on people.
·         Overall our perspectives were totally different; it is hard to even come up with similarities.

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