Thursday, September 11, 2014

Perception Assignment: Exercise 1

I recently added the class, so pardon my late perception assignment.

Location: The Harold B. Lee Library
Date: 9/10/14

What I noticed:
-girl on her laptop, phone, and tablet all at once
-Really quiet
-Ad for the library on the tv... in the library
-Guy with a cool rainbow shirt
-Sound of someone dragging and dropping files into the trash can on their laptop
-Guy in a green shirt talking to himself
-One guy left, walked around, and came back to the same seat.
-Voices by the entrance of the library
-Sound of jeans rubbing as people walk (that sounded inappropriate.. Ooops)
-Two people meeting up for a group project
-Guy dressed like Indiana Jones
-He even has a satchel
-Stone engravings on the wall
-four hanging speakers from the ceiling. What purpose?
-There's my friend, Aaron!

What my boyfriend, Tanner noticed:

-The TV is really loud. Especially for a library.
-Why is that guy wearing capris?
-This is the least amount of people I've seen on their phones
-Wait, nevermind
-Now the TV is playing piano music. That doesn't really make sense.
-The area behind the help desk is bigger than I thought
-There are a lot more guys here than girls. Weird..
-Almost everyone I've seen has a waterbottle
-That guys' shorts are way too short
-You should go to the "no shh zone" if you're going to be so loud
-There's a Humor U commercial on the tv

I thought it was interesting that we both noted some of the things we heard, not just things we saw. However, we both noticed different things in different ways. For example, I noticed some people meeting up for a group project. Tanner noted that they should go to the "no shh zone" because they were talking relatively loud for a quiet part of the library. We both noticed things people were wearing, but they weren't the same people. I felt like my observations were organized as a list, and his were organized as actual word-for-word thoughts.

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