Saturday, September 6, 2014

Perception Exercise #1

Location: The Wilkinson Center Terrace
Date: 9/6/14
Time: 11:10-11:15

What I saw:

  • A guy on his laptop, staring intently while wearing headphones.
  • A fellow in blue talking with a slender girl at a table.
  • A young lass sitting on the floor above. She was playing with her hair and wearing a white hat.
  • A larger fellow walked in through the door.
  • A man, probably a father, held the hands of 2 children.
  • A woman walks fairly rapidly while holding her purse tight.
  • A girl and guy head to the bookstore, both wearing sandals.
  • A girl heads to a table, removes a laptop from her backpack and sits down.

What my friend Sara saw:

  • When people are alone, they look around more than they would if they were with someone. Unless you are the girl in the black shirt drinking cookies and cream milk.
  • Older married couples stand really close to each other. At least the ones getting donuts.
  • People scan the room when they walk by to se what's happening.
  • Some parents like to match their clothes with their child's. Mom=light green. Dad=gray. Small child=light green&gray shirt with stripes.
  • People sitting up above us like to watch the people below, but only if they are not doing something.Like talking on the phone. If they are studying or with someone, they look down less.

Moral of the story: Despite being at the same place at the same time, we had different experiences. It is the same with anything. We all see and interpret things differently.

Alex Nielson, signing out.

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