Monday, September 14, 2015

The Typical BYU Provo Student

The Typical BYU Provo Student

I never thought that I would end up at BYU and to be honest it was probably my last option. I heard about all the stereotypes and I definitely placed all the BYU students in the single story, which is so common for those who have never experienced BYU. The most common things I heard about BYU were standard. Everybody gets married after two weeks of dating, everyone is judgmental, everyone is self righteous because they got accepted to the University and it’s a sheltered school with too many rules. Although I had never even been to Provo before in my life, I believed 100% that everybody at the school was that way. This video shows perfectly how I felt everyone was at BYU.

What people don’t realize is that most of these stereotypes are the exception to the rule. In my two years at BYU I have only met a handful of people that have gotten married after a few weeks of dating. The honor code with all the rules provides an environment that is safe and fun for all the students who chose to live those rules. Although we do compare ourselves with each other quite a bit, I believe everyone is really trying to be as least judgmental as they can be. These messages deter people from wanting to come to the school. For example, my sister didn’t want to come visit me because she said she didn’t like the “scene” in Provo. She ended up coming and by the end of her time here she told me she wished that she had chosen BYU.  

I’m not saying that there aren’t self righteous students here that believe they are extra special for attending this University. However, I am saying that not all of us want to get married after 2 weeks or even 2 months of dating. We all don’t live inside a bubble that shelters us from the big bad world. BYU provides an environment that healthy, competitive and fun. Yes, we do want to get married but not all of us wish to have kids and start a family our freshman year of college. There is a single story that happens to students at BYU but you have to be a student here to understand the stereotypes are not all true.


  1. Ya, people are shocked when I tell them I dated my wife for 3 years.

  2. Typical Brovo. This was a great blog article.

  3. Your examples are funny Jarom. And really true... It is interesting how this prevalent this story is. Statistically, not even a majority of BYU students date for a few weeks and then get married. But because more do that here than other places, it becomes part of the BYU dating single story.

  4. This was a great article. I loved that you addressed this stereotype.

  5. I heard all these stories too before I applied and got accepted to BYU and I was pleased to find that mostly none of them were true and that the school exceeded my expectations for a fun social atmosphere.

  6. It's funny how people laugh and call me a typical BYU person getting married off.. But I've knew my husband for 5 years before we got married. How come even the people that know that still label me as that BYU student?

  7. I experienced the exact same thing and dreaded coming here, but through my experience I have learned to love it here, and meet a vast array of people. I have also had to defend myself against this stereotype to where I finally understand how frustrating it is!

  8. Haha great article and such a true stereotype!
