Thursday, September 11, 2014

All Arabs are Terrorists and All Their Women are Suppressed

Yahoo’s public question forums:
Are all Muslims terrorists?” 
I am terrified of Muslims. I don't hate them and respect their faith but everybody is telling me they are all beheading, blowing up murderers. I have heard it is a religion of peace but everyone around me says it is not. I don't what to believe. are all Muslims terrorists or not and is any part of Islam peaceful? I do not mean to offend anybody, and I repeat I DO NOT hate Muslims, I am just scared of them. any honest answers will be appreciated.”
Are Arabs terrorists ?” 
there's an Arab guy in my class
he looks like a terrorist
his dark skin and his eyes are evil”

“Extreme Terrorist Arab Prank - Tourist Bus Hijack”

Many people see Middle Easterners and think “TERRORISTS!!” and suppressed women. These stereotypes are perpetuated through the media as the single story of the Middle Eastern cultures. The reason, in my opinion, why the media consistently shows:
-women in hijabs (as suppressed)
-Arabs (who are made to look uneducated by showing images of demolished areas and calling those “Arab schools”)
-Middle Easterners as destitute (with no food, no home, no money, etc)
-helpless people (who need the U.S. troops to save them from wandering the streets with no purpose)
…is because it makes us Westerners think our country is facilitating growth for a downtrodden and uneducated group of Neanderthals.
It matters that these messages are being sent because:
1. Middle Easterners are not:
-always suppressed people
-always uneducated
-always poor (and especially not before the war, seeing as there were millions of engineers, doctors, architects and other types of high-class workers)
-in need of American saviors (George Washington clearly explained that our country is not in the business of getting involved with other countries’ affairs)
2. These messages perpetuate our incorrect notions which lead to hate and war
3. Our government is not pulling out of Iraq so this single story acts as a distraction for consumers

                The single story of Middle Easterners, as perpetuated by the media, is that all Arabs are terrorists and the women are suppressed. The reasons the media seeks to feed those notions are to keep consumers entertained while the occupation continues. I do not agree that the women in Iraq are chained to their masters, as the above photo depicts. My analysis is that the producer of the photo was seeking to create a joke. And like the tour bus “prank” terrorist video, the jokes regarding Arabs is not funny. I find the obsession with Middle Eastern terrorists and incapable Neanderthals quite aggravating. 


  1. This is super interesting. I really wish we could see more the the real lives and the true nature of these people. It's sad they are so wrongfully feared.

  2. Some of my best friends are muslim

  3. I lived in France and met many muslims who are as normal and weird as i am. I hate this sterotype
