Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Red headed male

I could be biased since I am married to a red head, however it seems that the media has been poking fun at "gingers" much more at present than in the past.  Although I do not agree with mistreating individuals, especially singling out a specific group of people, even I am subject to a spontaneous laugh after viewing many red-headed male related stereotype memes or videos. These red-headed stereotypes have become so popular in the media that there is unofficially a "national kick a ginger day" coming up on September 20th.  Another stereotype often portrayed in the media is that "gingers" do not have souls.

Red headed women are often portrayed as being beautiful and feisty.  So, the question that comes to mind is why are males more bullied and made fun of?  Especially when the hair color itself is becoming a more popular and accepted color.  I have known several red headed men, many of them being my own family members, and all of them have been extremely fun, kind, and extreme "chick magnets." 

It has been really interesting to read about the single story of the red headed males.  I really do hope that in the next few years this trend can change, thus inhibiting much of the bullying and ridicule experienced by many red-headed males in most recent history.


  1. I thought this was entertaining to read, thanks! Who knows how this started but it doesn't really make sense if you think about it (the whole no soul thing).

  2. I'm really close with a whole family of redheads and it's sort of funny to see my best friend - who is the only one with brown hair in his family - to be the "black sheep."

  3. redheads are just the scapegoats...kinda like blondes too. clearly brunettes are superior (; but no big. still awesome people (:

  4. First of all, I have total blog post envy that you thought of this topic! Second, it was really fun to read! Third, it really made me sit down and think about why red-headed males are the butt of every joke...there's really no concrete reason. I personally think red is one of the prettiest hair colors...we're probably all just jealous and started making fun of gingers to feel better about ourselves ;)

  5. It is pretty weird we've stereotyped red heads that way. It must get extremely annoying to be judged like that. There are some pretty beautiful red heads out there!

  6. They get so much can be a little funny at times but is mostly hurtful.

  7. Yep, I've heard the "red heads having no soul" thing. Pretty offensive. I've got a red headed nephew and he's one cool kid.

  8. This is one of those stereotypes that you don't really think of when you think of "stereotypes." In high school, I had a history teacher who would use the term "red headed stepchild," when he wanted to reference something that didn't really fit in with the others. I never really realized how hurtful that could be because it certainly isn't used in a positive way. What did red headed people ever do to deserve that?!
