American politicians are portrayed as corrupt, biased, snobs that do not care about the people of the United States. The leaders of the free world do not do what is best for the people. Their only concern is what they can do to ensure that they are reelected for another term. There are memes across social media channels that depict these messages. Blogs, news stories, and other media outlets constantly post about the negatives of politicians and the mistakes that they make. They post articles, photos, and other information that infers that a particular group of leadership is to blame for the state of our nation. These messages create distrust of the american people in the leaders of America.
By the single story that is portrayed through media, a significant feeling of distrust is created for all politicians. Anybody who runs for office is going to be attacked and demoralized. Their beliefs, regardless of what they may be, are twisted into negative representations of their political stance. By constantly addressing the "corruption" in our government, we are limiting the ability to get strong leadership into political offices. Once an individual has run for political office, their name will be tarnished in some form. This will affect them personally for the rest of their lives.
The artifacts that I came across all depict a sense of corruption and selfishness. Each time a political party posts something, or releases information, there is an attempt to tear down the other side. We are surrounded with negative information regarding our political leaders, thus leading to the general belief that politicians are terrible people and do not care about the American people.
I think that this is one of the biggest hurdles our political system faces today. Its always popular or acceptable to complain, criticize, poke fun at and attack political leaders.