Thursday, September 12, 2013

Accidental Art: Confused Cords

     As I walked from the campus of Brigham Young University to my apartment I prowled for any existing or natural "art" that I might find. Maybe because of the time of day, or due to my lack of sleep the night before, or the fact that I have strolled the same path too many times before, nothing caught my eye. Discouraged, I lugged myself up the stairs to my apartment, through the door, and into my room. I sat down at my desk with the intent of reviewing learning suite for what other possible options I could fulfill in order to complete this assignment. After I had set up my laptop and connected all of the stationary accessories that enhance the computer's functionality, I turned on all of the devices and waited for learning suite to load. When I glanced down at my keyboard to type, the light from my desk lamp reflected the scene pictured above into my peripheral vision.
The chaos was what first intrigued my eyes; then it dawned on me that in the seemingly nonsensical jumble of wires, each cord had only two ends that were all connected to either a device or an input. The circular tendencies of the cords create an impression of infinite confusion, even though the cords themselves are not unreasonably long. I had never really paid attention to anything other than the inputs, plug-ins and devices themselves, but on this night the beauty was created by the in-between.


  1. If this is art, my pocket is the louvre. This made me wonder if the chaos of what is ON the devices that the cables are connected to can be considered art as well. The jumble of files archived, on the desktop, the secret ways we hide our homework and organize everything.

  2. Even though I am always so annoyed at piles and jumbles of wires, I really enjoyed this picture and your comment. It helped me to find beauty in things I usually find unsightly.

  3. I'm mainly impressed with the abundance of cabled hardware. Well done... well done.

  4. I liked how you took something chaotic, found the purpose and art in it. Nice.

  5. I liked how you took something chaotic, found the purpose and art in it. Nice.

  6. Loved the name of the post. Confused cords. As I look at them that is exactly how I feel. If I were to draw something to describe confusion this would be my drawing.

  7. Loved the name of the post. Confused cords. As I look at them that is exactly how I feel. If I were to draw something to describe confusion this would be my drawing.

  8. This looks like my computer when it is plugged in. I like that you point out how each cord has a purpose and is connected on either end. Although they are all jumbled and in a chaotic pattern, they all still perform their proper function and get the job done. Good example of unique art in every day life.

  9. The coolest part is that this isn't just made by nature, but rather it is a human mess that could be found just about anywhere

  10. This is cool. We might think that something pretty is just something symmetric but we can find beauty in chaos.

  11. This is the next Picasso piece! :) This is great because usually I would see the tangled mess and search for the quickest way to pull it apart. I like this picture because it makes me stop and think of the beauty in everything.

  12. Very creative. I never would have thought of those obnoxious little jumbled chords as being beautiful but you really brought that out! One of the best parts of this is that you weren't trying to find it. The most beautiful things come when you don't expect it.

  13. Its aggravating to have to untangle electrical cords and find the source of each one. They are definitely a test of patience sometimes. You have taken the time to look at them differently and to see a design rather then a mess. Very cool.

  14. What a creative approach! I guess that means I have art all over my apartment. It's unexpected but is something that occurs so often and we just don't notice it.
