Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Accidental Art

When I got this assignment it took me longer to walk places. I kept scrutinizing everything around me trying to see images or beauty. I think one guy was weirded out when I stopped and took a picture of a dark patch of grass. One the first places I discovered accidental art was a painted street curb. The paint chipped and cracked in interesting ways. I spent part of my way home walking in the gutter one day.

Wiener Dog
I examined rust stains, oil stains, garbage, and tree roots. I looked at patterns and shapes that changed with time like cloud formations and shadows. Finally, I came across several stairways leading up to an apartment complex. The cement on the front part of the steps was chipping and wearing away leaving behind these amazing petroglyphs. I call them "Wiener Dog" and "Screaming Clown". If you turn the latter upside-down I see an evil fish lady.

Screaming Clown

Evil Fish Lady


  1. This is awesome! I love that you took the accidental art full circle by taking something accidental and abstract and giving it a concrete identity.

  2. So cool. I do the same sometimes. :)

  3. Cool. I like that this is themed.
