Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What if your life is a dream ...

What if our lives are a dream?
                   How would you react if suddenly you woke up next to a stranger you have never talked to, in a bed you have never laid in, in a room you have never seen and in pajamas you have never worn.

I try to imagine how I would act. I think I would scream and freak out then kick off the covers and run., but if that was my life and this was a dream I would probably let out a long sigh and think, "what a weird dream", lay back down and finish my nights sleep (hopefully with a shorter dream) Then in the morning I would proceed to tell my spouse/room mate/parent  about a crazy long dream where I was a student at some weird university and taking some crazy creativity class. 


  1. This made me think for a few minutes about the life I've lived so far and how weird it would be to wake up and realize it was all a dream. Inception style. Scary thought but creative!

  2. I like this. Sometimes I wonder what if our lives are just a book being read to an audience and when they close the book and finish reading what they want for they day we just go to sleep. And we wake up when they open the book up to read again.

    1. This comment made me think of the movie "Stranger Than Fiction". Ever seen it?

  3. This idea is very intriguing to me. It reminds me of when Poe wrote "Is all that we see or seem
    But a dream within a dream?"

  4. It's interesting to think about the implications of what life would be if we were all living in our own dream!
