Thursday, September 12, 2013

Art: It's Seriously All Over the Place

I'm blown away.

Since our class discussions and these last two projects I'm realizing that I've been walking around with a pretty blind eye most of my life. I've been going along not seeing all this art and uniqueness that surrounds me. Totally breathtaking.

For example: take this plain 'ol concrete street lamp base. When I walked by it in a parking lot the only thought I had was, "Wow. How ... normal." But it was when I looked closer that I really started to see some beauty. Do you see how the top of the block is in focus and the bottom is out? Look how it starts on the bottom. Plain gray. Sharp corners, flat and smooth surfaces. But as my eye follows up that corner line towards the top of the block I start to see a significant change. It's been chipped and worn down by who knows what or whom. And it has started to have a smoothing effect on the top of the block.

I think it's the same way with each of us as we endeavor to be more creative. Sometimes we can feel worn down or chipped away at when we have unsuccessful attempts of or even receive some rejection. However, as we continue to do so, we change. We reveal more of our creativity. Just like this block is now textured, unique and even a little colorful as that aggregate begins to show through. Very unlike it's other normal, grey block friends.

Aaron Butler


  1. A great example of observation. It's also cool to think about how we are each different and beautiful in our own way.

  2. Love your photo and love your thoughts as well. I like how you compared the concrete base to our attempts at creativity. Rejection might damage us, but it also helps us look more critically at our work and I think it can eventually make us much stronger creatively.

  3. How interesting! I've never thought about how art could be created anywhere with a camera, just based on the focus and angles. Art is all about perspective, which must be why it's so important or us to have creative minds. Great photo!

  4. I think the most artistic thing about this is the picture itself. You're right, its just concrete, but the focus of the camera and the lighting really turned this ordinary concrete into something beautiful.

  5. I didn't even realize that this was an ordinary concrete block at first. I looked at the picture and thought "Wow, that looks really cool! I wonder where he found that." It's amazing how interesting things can be when we just take the time and stop to look at something that we used to thing was just ordinary.

  6. Loving this. It almost looks like one of those pictures of creative objects to make letters. I see the letter K.

  7. Great photo. Took me a second to realize what it was. Very insightful.

  8. I love the story behind it! I'll never look at those things the same again.
