Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One Clay Hour

There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour.
My idea is to document things in my life and then equate them to one “Clay” hour.

#1 How many words are in one Clay hour? I found a website that tests how many words per minute I typed and then multiplied that by 60. I type 62 words per minute, thus…there are 3,720 words in one Clay hour.

#2 How many miles in one Clay hour? I run an approximate 7 minute 30 second mile. I know, call me Usain Bolt. As a result there are approximately 8 miles in one Clay hour.

#3 How far does a golf ball travel in one Clay hour? I play a lot of golf, and one of the many things measured in golf is driving distance. This past summer, I averaged approximately 285 yards per drive with my driver. To put it in perspective, Tiger Woods is hitting his driver 292 yards in 2013. To quantify this to hours, you would have to measure the ball speed. Lucky for me, I’ve had mine measured. A golf ball I hit would, in theory, would travel 155 miles in one Clay hour.

#4 How many text messages are sent in one Clay hour? For the last hour, I have responded quickly to each text I have received from my wife, family and friends. Upon counting them, I discovered there are 34 text messages in one Clay hour.

#5 Upon watching ESPN’s Sportscenter, I asked, how many commercial breaks are there in one Clay hour? Sportscenter runs for one hour and yes, I can sit and watch it over and over and over, even if the stories are the same time and time again. There are 7 ESPN commercial breaks in one Clay hour.

This was a fun exercise. I really found myself thinking analytically considering I had to document time from the place with which I sat. This may be dumb to most, but for me it was kind of fun to reflect upon things in my own life and quantify them to measuring time.


  1. Extremely creative ways to measure the passage of time. I especially like the golf one. You really thought about his assignment and made it specific to you.

  2. 7 minute 30 second mile in one Clay hour? You should swim/bike/run the St. George Half Ironman with me!

  3. I want to know your swing speed for golf. Mine is about 140 mph, and I average about 295 yards per drive, it was an interesting way of putting all these different measurements in perspective

  4. This is a cool idea. Creativity is looking things in a different way! Good job

  5. I would not have thought of this! Very creative approach to the experiment.

  6. One Clay hour later... Cool idea. I liked how you compared itto a lot of things you like to do. I wonder about how long things could pass in one clay hour with things you don't like to do.

  7. Right on. I like how this is sort of a biography of sorts.
