Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Asian Women

A typical trend I have noticed in the portrayal of Asian women has most of them working the same kind of jobs.  They all seem to be some sort of aesthetic or cosmetology work like nails, waxing, or massage.  In all the artifacts I found it is obvious that those who come in contact with Asian women in this profession stereotype them all and that affects how we see Asian women on the whole.  As seen in this clip from Charlie’s Angels, Tim Curry’s character doesn’t question the fact that he has a new masseuse as long as she’s Asian.
 In America, many view cosmetology and aesthetic work as a less important profession needing less education and therefore less intelligence.  This is emphasized by the stereotypical portrayal of nail salons.  Every worker is Asian and either can’t speak English or has a ridiculously heavy accent.  Even though many white Americans have the same job, media portrayals are almost always of Asians.  The feeling is that they have no greater skill then painting nails.  This clip portrays the stereotype most people have of these women.

Obviously there is some truth to stereotypes.  I have experienced the nail salon where all the workers were Asian women and most of them didn’t speak great English but the biggest problem with this stereotype is that we carry it over to other Asians we meet and we assume that we understand those who do fit the stereotype and treat them accordingly.  I can’t tell you how many times I have seen Americans meet an Asian woman and talk to her as if she can’t speak English.  I take a Thai class at BYU and my professor is a Thai woman.  We had another professor come in to borrow a whiteboard marker and he talked to her as if she was a child and even looked at some of the students for help all before giving her a chance to speak.  She is a university professor in America!  Wouldn’t you assume that she speaks English?  I just feel that this portrayal of Asian women in America perpetuates how we view and treat them.  Having lived in an Asian country for over a year I've learned how unique they all are, just as every American is.  I feel like we often put a low value on their worth and intelligence even when we know that their countries are booming and produce some of the most incredible intellects in the world. A lot of it comes from media portrayals.  I know that before I was really surrounded by Asians I misunderstood them.  I think that happens with most cultures that differ from ours.  We don't understand them so we put them in the most typical setting we have experienced them in and that is then applied to everyone.  


  1. Actually there is really some truth to this Asian women stereotypes. Most of these Asian women came to the States for a better life while because of low educational background, the only thing that they can do are some sort of aesthetic or cosmetology work. And I had a lot of experiences that being treated as someone who don’t speak English in the States too. But I totally understand why!

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head. Asian women are definitely lumped into that stereotype when they have a lot more going for them.

  3. I think that a lot of Asian women because of T.V. and web commercials are portrayed as cosmetology workers. I think that this is such a narrow stereotype because Asian women can be whoever they would like and have several different occupations.
