Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blondes have more fun!

Blonde's have more fun, right?!  At least that's always the common phrase that we hear.  Well I have noticed several pictures lately from magazines, posted on websites, or blogs, that always have blondes as smiling their big, beautiful smiles.  In comparison, if you search "brunettes" (always a good idea to add "modest" in front of it) then you will typically see pictures of many beautiful brunettes, but their countenance is so much different. They are typically portrayed as more serious or seductive, instead of the bright beaming smile.  Just like Africans are "always poor", or homosexual men are "always well-dressed and flamboyant", Blondes "always have more fun".

The implications to this single story, are that blondes can sometimes be taken less seriously, or have the stereotype of being just a "dumb blonde".  Obviously there are always exceptions, to this single story.  Not every blonde is stupid and spontaneous, and not every brunette is serious and driven.  However, the conclusion that we can draw from media, celebrities, and so forth is that "blondes have more fun".


  1. Personally, I usually prefer brunettes to Blondes. But to each their own. Also, it's true. I see brunette women in head and shoulders commercials and it's kinda weird to see them smiling.

  2. I think this is a little different take on blondes. We usually think of blondes as ditsy girls or valley girls. I think that sometimes we do think they want to have more fun. Blonde is just a hair color and nothing more.
