Thursday, October 24, 2013


I decided to use size, structure, form, direction and lots of color to communicate the common call to action of "Do not litter!".

The size of sans serif font and the underlining of the "DO NOT"s emphasize the importance of the message. The changes in structure and form are most noticeable on the letters topped off as if they were pine trees, the design of the "O"s, the "l" hands and the trash can exclamation point. Direction is especially important to the "litter!" portions of the type because the horizontal positioning of the word invokes the idea of dropping something toward the earth.

The most noticeable element of this message is the color with which it is presented. The images coloring the letters all imply important elements to make the reader think beyond the simple symbolism of the words themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I like the pine tree letters. Good contrast with the fire. I think including the actual "L's" would make it even stronger.
