Thursday, October 24, 2013

HAAAAPPPY, haaaapppy (Zoolander anyone?)

I spent way longer than I meant to on this assignment... there were just so many different fonts to choose from! I chose the crossroads sign to illustrate the typography with because it adds depth to my perspective.

Every day, there are a million different choices to be made, a billion great things that could happen, and at times what seems like a trillion bad experiences are also waiting to be had. Regardless of what happens throughout your day, you can always choose to be happy.

The typography I chose has a few unique elements relevant to my "call to action". The first is the texture of the letters. Some are 3D and angled and others have slight variations of transparency. I chose to use this technique because the letters are meant to look like metal letters hammered onto the sign, giving it a rustic and real feel. (The transparent letter was just to add some variation...).

For this same rustic and real feel reasoning I decided to create baseline shifts throughout the type. The hanging and baseline shifts are also meant to give the sign a sense of neglect, hence the reminder that is being broadcast through this "call to action". The tracking of the word "happy" is meant to draw attention to that specific word, as it is the foundation of the message.

- Haley Tharp

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