Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Haunting

I decided to create a call to action that related to my major. I created this ad for Call of Duty, since it's an awesome game. I wanted to find a font that captured the craziness of the game play, and the grit that one feels while trying to survive. I went online and found a font called True Lies, that I liked because of the upward slant of the words, leading to a feeling of motion and dynamics. It also has a handwritten look almost like it was written in broad paintbrush strokes like the example of "No Parking" that we looked at in class. It conjures up feelings of dread that are associated with entering a firefight. To offset this, I used the impression font because it is sans serif and draws a lot of attention. It's very clunky, which helps to offset the other font. I chose to color it red so as to conjure up the imagery and feelings of high emotions and helps to increase the heart rate like the game.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. The "begun" type has a very powerful feeling. I think that the ad would flow a bit better if the other type, the white type was a bit more spaced apart. Regardless, good work.
