Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Color Scheme

I picked an image that I liked and pulled the color scheme from that. I don't have any of the Adobe programs and was worried that the colors wouldn't translate to PowerPoint or Microsoft Word. These programs use RGB instead of Hexadecimal color schemes, so I couldn't type in the numbers that Kuler gave me. I was able to find a website which allows you to scroll over a color, and see the RGB and the CMYK numbers for any color! This allowed me to change the colors within the programs that I had, which I thought was great. I really loved the harmonious colors in my scheme, that were just different enough to be interesting. The tones and shades of the darker colors really make the tints of the lighter colors stand out, which I really liked. Overall I feel the color scheme turned out really well, and even though the graphic I made isn't terribly exciting, the colors are great!

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