Thursday, October 24, 2013


I wanted my call of action for people to wake up to the cluster that is Obamacare. I think that more people than I had originally thought are more against this law. I wanted to tie in how the most apparent group of people is people protesting against the law. Whereas before "sign" up for Obamacare was a positive rallying call for people seeking health insurance, it has since turned instead a mockery of Obamacare therefore legitimatizing "signs" in anger against Obamacare.

I hoped that my typography reflected this confused sentiment that people experience when they try to sign up for the website. There are so many errors and glitches that it is easy to be confused between all the different types of typography.


  1. I think with what you were going for making Obamacare dark and bold was a good call.

  2. Also, if you can sign your last name on all your posts that makes it crazy easy for me to grade.
