Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The NBA is Soft


  1. haha yea I've heard a lot this over the years about the NBA. Its so true. I mean its true to the point where the NBA had to establish a rule that says "No Flopping". Its crazy, even from watching the game in the playoff the past two years you can't even look at a guy funny without being called for a foul.

  2. This annoys me so much. Let players play. That's all. The NBA every year gets less and less fun to watch because of all the softies. I think that this is a very true sterotype

  3. All i gotta say is: Space Jam. Lot's of things pointed out there. Like that NBA players are larger than life and heros to our society.

  4. Loved this post. Thanks for getting the great quotes. Basketball is a physical game.
