Thursday, October 24, 2013

w h a t t o f o c u s ?

My call to action is just simply asking people to focus on happy. I am an absent minded person. I usually can’t focus on anything especially while reading my own handwriting notes that I took in class. One thing interesting that I found out is all the things which I put in the middle of a note always get my attention. 

I put the word “happy” in the middle of tons of circles because it is a good way to catch people’s attention to figure out what is inside those circles. Besides, I added weight to the word “need” and “happy” that add emphasis as well. I just used black color to convey everything because those circles are totally enough for people to focus. Too many color will just drift the idea from focusing one thing to many other things as we learnt that color can affect us in perceiving things. So here is it. A pretty plain typography design to focus on on thing --HAPPY.

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