Sunday, January 10, 2016

Perception 1: Downtown Provo

Provo is a quirky place. I took a trip around Center Street this week to see what Provo had to offer. With a city full of peculiar Mormons, it's no wonder there are so many interesting things on just one block. Of all the interesting posters, signs and graffiti I saw, perhaps my favorite was the art on the side of the antique shop building. The wall features graffiti renderings of Colombian drug-lord Pablo Escobar, Elvis Presley, and a symbol representing government control. Thought it is considered vandalism, I believe graffiti that is well done can tell a story and give culture to a city. I also thought the church was interesting. The font is almost, if not exactly, the same as the official font of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This raises some questions. Are they targeting those who used to be LDS? Are they trying to trick people into their building? Or is it just a coincidence? Either way, I really enjoyed walking around Provo, and realizing we have more culture to this city than I thought.

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