Saturday, January 9, 2016

Provo: As Perceived By Me

Provo: As Perceived By Me
Tori Gabor

I love downtown Provo and the character it holds. I approached this assignment with excitement and anticipation as I headed downtown Saturday morning to discover what hidden gems Provo has to offer. Outside of one of the random little shops on Center St. I found a mosaic on the ground spelling out the word 'Gray'. It was constructed of light and dark gray tiles, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world- simply stating that this piece was, in fact, gray. I looked around and could find no other significance for the word, which only added to the intrigue. I found a window (that seemed to be in the basement) with bars on it, making the possibility of an intruder basically nonexistent. But the best part was that above that, it said 'Private'. As if someone is going to see that barred up window and think there's public access. I found it very alluring to think about what must be behind that window for someone to make it so clear that no one was getting in. As I walked past the juice n' java, I noticed that there was a 'Do Not Enter' sign. It hung there on the wall by itself, no where near a door or a window. I was confused about what I was not supposed to enter, thinking perhaps it meant the cafe in general. But next to it in the window was the lit up 'Open' sign, leaving me confused and curious. I came across lots of vandalism and graffiti, but one that stuck out to me was the words 'This way 4 gold' and an arrow pointing to the corner of an abandoned alley. Of course I followed the arrow (who doesn't want free gold?) But was disappointed to find nothing but dirt and garbage. But in that same alley, I also found a parking space labelled 'President'. Perhaps this alley is some underground elite society with gold and presidents and other fancy things. But it certainly didn't look like it.

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