Saturday, January 9, 2016

Temple Square Sister Missionaries: The Single Story

If there’s a stereotype within the Church about sister missionaries that needs to be buried, stopped, changed, left to die, etc., it is this one: that all the “pretty ones” get sent to Temple Square. 

You laugh, but we’ve all heard it before. We have seen the memes. You don’t see Temple Square sister missionary memes because they know five languages (yes, some actually do), or have a rockin’ testimony (like pretty much all sister missionaries in the world) or simply because God wanted them to serve there over any other place in the world for some unknown, but eternal, reason. 

But this is the single story that every Temple Square sister missionary (and returned missionary) faces. The artifacts all send similar messages - bright, beautiful faces. Just faces, though. This single story is extremely limiting because it no longer is about what the missionaries are even saying or trying to say. Every missionary is called to testify of Christ in whatever part of the world they are called - but the message and the personal belief in the message doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to the single story. 

The social implications of being a Temple Square sister, because of the single story, is that the sisters have to be beautiful all the time. I know this because I am a Temple Square RM. On the mission I was asked if we had someone come to do our hair and makeup (especially during General Conference) and if we had personal trainers. This list could go on. 

This is something I think people lack understanding about. It’s not actual beauty of the person, but it’s the Spirit that enhances every good and beautiful thing. Temple Square is a sacred place, where every prophet since Brigham Young has walked, so the Spirit is there. Every sister missionary there is testifying of Christ all day, so the Spirit is there. Guests of Temple Square, when they actually allow the Spirit into their hearts, are changed. 

Beauty is enhanced by what is within. Temple Square is not reserved for “pretty people”. It just appears that way through comments, memes and stereotypes because people don’t look past the surface. 


  1. This is great! There are so many stereotypes when it comes to missionaries. The Lord calls missionaries to go where they need to go and who needs them to be there.

  2. I personally have never thought of the Temple Square Sisters as the pretty ones, but I could see that being a single story for sure. Loved your thoughts!

  3. I love this! I didn't even know this stereotype existed, but I'm glad that someone is taking a stand about it.

  4. I really loved this!! This stereotype is so true though. I have had friends say that they knew they would never be sent to Temple Square because of this thought and it's so sad that it was even a thought. Loved your input!

  5. This is such an interesting story. I feel like most of the sisters of Temple Square that I have seen have been foreign. I also know that the mission is so different than a more "normal" mission.

  6. I have heard this stereotype so much and I agree with you, these sisters have just as much to give when it comes to missionary work and are just as qualified as the next.

  7. This is super creative. Demeaning missionaries in any way is just wrong. Saying they're there to look pretty is so frustrating! I know sisters who have served on temple square and thinking that they may have been told their missions don't mean as much is a little heartbreaking.

  8. This was a great blog post! It's definitely a true single story that we see and hear about all the time in the Church. Even outside of the Church, people perpetuate this idea. I remember on my mission in Europe they did a TV report on the Church. They interviewed a couple of the sisters from Temple Square. The report started off saying something along the lines of, "Here at Temple Square, the Mormons have everything: a pretty castle, a pretty garden, and pretty girls."

  9. I don't think I've heard this one before. I have noticed that all of the Temple Square missionaries are very pretty looking, but it's all for a reason. We need to have sisters with strong testimonies to help spread the gospel to visitors from around the world. They call girls from numerous countries to come and represent the Church. I just never thought this was a stereotype. For me, I used to stereotype the American sisters at Temple Square as "boring" since they aren't foreign, but .I don't see that anymore.. Sisters need to act beautiful, I love how you say that beauty comes from within. I don't want to be rude, I have seen some sisters who aren't "pretty" but their testimonies were so strong!

    Thanks for opening my eyes. I love talking to the sisters at Temple Square!

  10. Not going to lie, I have often thought that the sisters who get called to Temple Square are pretty attractive. So yes, maybe I have been a part of the single-story epidemic.

  11. And...Megan's post wins for most moving and influential! Look at all these comments-Great job! Seriously well written and considering where we are in life this is a very timely single story issue. I don't think it is just Temple square sisters that get single storied in the church. I feel like every mission kind of has their own single story- serving state-side, serving in Utah or Idaho, and even my own mission was single storied as only crazy smart kids could serve there- that's a lot of pressure. Basically, I am your side. Kill it!
