Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Conserving Shower Water

Watch me!

Saturday, I was sitting in my room working on my journalism program application. I was in the zone, tuning out any outside distraction door shut, window curtain drawn, and my phone in a separate room. I began to hear a absurdly loud noise of rushing water outside that caught my attention. To me, it sounded like a fire hydrant hose spraying water against my apartment building. But I had my window shut and door closed, so I assumed the complex was just cleaning the building and went on with my business. Shortly after I heard girls screaming and I was confused think, "What the heck is going on... are they having some kind of water activity... why are those girls going crazy?" I couldn't take it anymore so I left my room to look out the living room balcony. Outside I saw a hurricane. It was pouring. The cloud seemed to be right on top of my complex and the cloud was just dumping its load on top of us. I had an instant reaction: run. I ran downstairs and outside to soak up the rare storm experience in Utah. The cold rain drenched me, I was basically at a water-park. Then I saw a waterfall cascading off the roof. I had the bright idea to go stand under it and "take a shower." Freezing cold water but so much fun. Two other girls and I were the only ones creative, or crazy enough, to do it and I was the only one to "take a shower."

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