Thursday, October 17, 2013

A'int Nothin' Like Old Cars

I decided to just find a fun picture online. A picture that really "popped" out at me. I found these cars. Kind of eye-catching, right? I though so, too, but I wanted to see why?
So, I plugged it into Kuler and let 'er rip.

I wasn't sure how much of a relationship would exist between these colors, seeing as there is so much contrast between them. However, when I pulled some point from our class discussion, I could suddenly see the relationships.

I have a both complementary colors and harmonious colors. I have two greens and two reds. These two color sets are complementary (red and green). The greens differ with each other because of the tint/shade difference. Same with Red. And the Yellow is Harmonious with the green and has a triadic relationship with the red.
The hexadecimal system was useful in matching the RGB when using Word.

There it is!

Aaron Butler

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