Tuesday, October 22, 2013

walls & artichokes

As I was looking for images or objects that apply Gestalt's principles around campus, I came across this wall.
This utilizes both proximity and similarity. Proximity is utilized through the small dots as well as the vertical lines. This objects are placed equidistant from each other. This creates the illusion that they are in a group or a unit. Similarity is used with the same objects. Because they are the same objects repeated over and over, they appear to belong together.
This artichoke is something that I made in Photoshop and Illustrator. It employs both the figure/ground Gestalt principle as well as the closure Gestalt principle. Because there are elements of depth, that almost appear to be 3D, as well as flatter objects, such as they color hanging off the edges of the artichoke, that appear to be more 2D, this image uses the figure/ground principle. This image also uses the closure principle, especially within the top view of the artichoke. Although the image is not completely drawn in, your mind is able to fill in the gaps and tell what it is.

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