Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Babies, Babies, Babies, Babies, Babies, Babies,Babies, Babies and Diamonds

I like the juxtaposition of a baby's soft skin against a diamonds super hard edges. I also like the way these colors contrast against each other. It took a little playing around with the hues to get the feel how I wanted it. It's amazing how a slight change to a color's tint or shade can totally shift the emotion that color emits.

In class we talked about the different color relationships. I knew about more common relationships like monochromatic shades or complementary colors, but it was interesting to learn about a triadic color relationship. After playing with colors in Kuler, I realized that what looked right to me happened to also be a triadic relationship with shades of red, yellow, and blue.

Babies. Babies. Diamonds.

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