Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Toxic greens for Halloween

I took the assignment of creating a design liberally to also include illustrations. Considering it’s close to Halloween something from the occult seemed fitting. I found the green color scheme on Kuler with the analogous setting, which displays harmonious colors. It made me think of something toxic. What better way to represent “toxic” colors than bubbling fluid and rising gases? For the spirit I added a significant amount of tint.

As I was playing around with the different settings, I found that my green scheme was triadic with the same kind of brown used in the wood under the cauldron.

The colors I used for the fire were also harmonious. I find it interesting how we see harmonious colors grouping together in nature. Perhaps this is why we find them ascetically pleasing. The reds, oranges, and yellows can be found all over the place. In addition to fire- autumn leaves, volcanic eruptions and sunsets display these colors together.

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