Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cloud watching is probably one of my favorite things to do. It get distracted in conversations because I see things in the clouds and point them out to people. It's bad. Anyways, I was walking home from class on Tuesday and I saw this.

At first I wasn't sure what I was seeing. I was admiring the sun behind the clouds and thinking how pretty it was and how creative God is. Then I saw the bull. Well I'm not sure if I would consider it a bull or a cow. It could be both. I thought it looked pretty cool. Then that got me thinking that maybe I was seeing this bull/cow because of our last discussion on the big brass bull in New York.Was my perception of these clouds being altered by recent events in my life? It was an interesting concept to mull over. I wonder if we see things a certain way because our brains are already wired that way. For those who can't see the bull/cow, here is my poorly edited picture from Photoshop. It was hard to conceptualize and draw out what I was seeing because I didn't really have the full image of the animal in the clouds, my brain was just filling in the missing details. Drawing it out was a lot harder for me than actually seeing it in the clouds. Weird right?

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