Thursday, October 17, 2013

Color me AWESOME.

Though it has some creepy elements to it, the picture I chose to base my color scheme off of is a great depiction of the significant effect color has in our lives. Color evokes emotion. From a cultural standpoint, I think we as Americans often try to suppress extreme amounts of color in public settings. Houses are often beige, white, or black, and fairly uniform to the structures on either side of it. Cars are black, white, silver, sometimes blue or red, but seldom anything florescent or out of the ordinary.

I think this decisive uniformity is a mistake. Colors have such an incredible ability to allow people to express themselves and their personality and emotions, and evoke strong emotions in others. Why not use them?

This color scheme combines complementary colors, through the use of a tinted magenta and shaded lime green, as well as harmonious colors, through the use of tinted lavender and magenta as well as deeply shaded coral.

The design I took on is meant to represent the diversity of each person, and the way color reflects that diversity. Just like each and every person has a different line pattern on their palm, every person also has a different personality that can partially be reflected my the colors they choose to decorate their lives with.

- Haley Tharp

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