Thursday, October 24, 2013

D R O P!

When I think of the phrase "drop everything now" I think of something very urgent, however that's not how I wanted this to come across. I'm such a girl, but when I was doing this project I had a Taylor Swift song stuck in my head. The lyrics begin, "Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain..." It obviously has a very romantic connotation and I wanted to reflect that in my typography.
I added extra spacing both in between the letters and words. I thought this gave it a airy/romantic feel. I also added a baseline drop to the word 'now'- which to me communicates action. To me it looked like an unfinished thought, like someone acted so quickly-literally dropping everything now- they didn't have time to finish the thought in a linear way. I also rotated the angle of the letters a little bit which I thought contributed to that idea.

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