Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Elephant Overload

So this sweet mother upstairs just had a baby boy. She's awesome and sometimes likes to feed my husband and I. So when using the triad in kuler I thought I would go for a "baby boy" inspired colours. The triadic colour scheme I ended up going with seemed very gender neutral and perhaps I might even turn it into a congratulations card for her.
Elephants add such an element of fun and I absolutely loved this cartoon that I found on photoshop. I thought it would be cool to have all of the smaller elephants going one way and then one large element that takes the main focus going the other way. I probably was in between about 8 different kuler schemes and finally landed on this one. My kuler scheme: 

There can be seen some strong hues of the orange-yellow and violet which, I feel, make the elephants come to life. It brings spontaneity and catches the eye. I also feel that without the tones of the light grey or the lilac of the large elephant that this picture would end up being way too much. I used tones to tone down this picture because I feel a lot of the times I get TOO carried away with colour. Kuler helped me to pull back the reins on getting too many eye catching moments. At first I was getting frustrated at the triadic colours because I just wanted to create my own but in the long run I felt that triadic colours really do compliment each other. 

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