Thursday, October 24, 2013


I used the typography from my friend's clothing line, Ensoul, to create this call to action. The Ensoul boys manipulated the structure of the word "Future" by highlighting the UT to represent Utah. For them, this font and typography represented a new frontier in music and dance that is taking place in Utah but I decided to use their idea to create more of a call to action than a statement. Utah in more ways than one is becoming a new frontier. This is a call to action for Utah's younger generation to step up and take responsibility for carving and nurturing this immense growth that is taking place in the last days and to do an even better job than the ones before us. This can be done by as little as making sure we vote for the causes and leaders that will continue to help Utah prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. Although from reading your explanation I'm not sure if you worked on this, or just used their graphic.
