Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gestalt, or something similar

The example that I found of Gestalt is my employer. I work at RC Willey and the logo is an example of both closure and proximity. The top can be perceived as a roof and the letters create a sense of walls and support for the roof. The purpose could be to give consumers a "need" for products sold at RC Willey to "complete" their homes.
My attempt at design is another mediocre attempt using Adobe Illustrator, but I am understanding more each time I use it. This is an example of both proximity and closure. Although the shapes are unfamiliar, in the context of the text the mind creates a "Y" and because the shapes are gathered together they are assumed to be linked. The mind wants to make reason of what it is seeing, and although my skills make it difficult, the proximity and small gaps make clear the intended message.

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