Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Help the BULLIES

I decided to make a few call to action examples about a mentoring program that I am involved in. It's a program for the Provo School District that has college kids be a friend and mentor elementary aged kids that have troubles with their teachers or other students. In most cases, they are behind socially because they are mean, or in some other cases it's because they are behind on the learning curve of other students. The kids get really excited when we visit for just an hour a week so I think it's a good cause! I took advantage of kerning, changed the color and type size to make it look how I thought called the most attention.

1 comment:

  1. These are great. The only thing that I would change would be to maybe center the Provo Elementary... text in the first one. I think the justification works in the second one better.
