Thursday, October 24, 2013

It is better to look up

I choose to do this call to action by citing a General Conference talk given a couple of years ago by Elder Carl B. Cook in October of 2011.  In his talk he spoke about how he felt overwhelmed as a newly called member of the seventy.  President Monson entered the elevator where he was standing, looking at the ground.  President Monson gave him the sounds advice, "it is always better to look up."  Elder Cook went on to explain that all of us must look up (to God) instead of getting wrapped up in the overwhelming realities that life sometimes throws us.

I chose the memorable found for the "look up" to focus on that most important message.  I chose to fill the background with green because green is associated with hope (according to research).  I also faded the edges so it wasn't a restrictive statement.  The point of looking up is recognizing that we do not have to define our limits, that we can receive diving help.

So, as we are in the middle of the semester with many things that can overwhelm out lives, remember that it's better to look up. :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool fonts. I'm curious if the color choice has any meaning behind it. Good work.
