Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stop Procrastinating

My call to action is to "stop procrastinating," because, well, let's be college students (and human beings in general), procrastination is something we all struggle with.
The word "stop" is in 12-point Times New Roman with one-inch margins on the top and left sides.  The professional left-alignment and amount of kerning is meant to make you think of a Microsoft Word document. and the format that seems to be the epitome of the college essay.  This is where the "fun" of writing an academic paper begins.
The word "procrastinating" is a giant mess of jumbled letters, crammed in an illegible heap in the right margin, just before the page ends.  The font that looks like handwriting, and the overlapping and totally messed up kerning represent the frantic, hurried work that we tend to do in the last few seconds before a deadline that we have procrastinated.  The word is aligned to the right side of the page to represent that the word was just barely "finished" (by definition) on time, where the right edge of the paper represents the deadline.  The word looks like it just barely made it on the paper in a frantic effort to get the assignment turned in on time, which is what tends to happen when we procrastinate.
Unfortunately, I think that this call of action is targeted at myself more than anyone else...*cough, cough*...  What do you think?  Have you ever procrastinated assignment that ended up looking something like this by the time you turned it in?

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