Thursday, October 24, 2013


Typography is usually associated with the constraints of lines and word processors. Last class really illuminated to me that typography is ubiquitous; it can be formed out of anything and is, in essence, everywhere. I took this idea to create typography out of objects that are easily associated with a certain feeling, thought, or concept. I spent a good hour searching the internet for compelling images and photographs. Each that I selected resonates as something adventurous. I have an application on my computer called "poladroid" that can turn any image into a polaroid picture. I used this application to encapsulate each image as a memory in photograph form.

The call to action comes from two points. Point one, the photographs make the word "live", which is a simple command interpretation of the verb live. Point two, the letters are made out of polaroid images that each tell their own story. With this setting, the typography is very loose-form and open to interpretation, the onlooker's own "adventure." This object typography is very popular right now in mainstream advertising and design. It seems people really appreciate a designer's use of perception and placement as a form of type itself.

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