Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Loving him was red!"

Okay, so there's very little red in my own assignment, but I love Taylor Swift, so I had to include one of her quotes from Red in this blog post. Moving on to my actual homework!

I started this assignment on the Internet, where I found a quote that someone had typed up and set against a pretty background. I really like the color scheme here.

Then I uploaded that picture to Kuler, which helped me come up with this color scheme.
It's closest to a triadic color scheme, although it's not quite that. We've talked about color schemes in my floral design class, and we would probably call this a "split-complementary scheme" in that class. (That just means that you choose one color and then include the two colors adjacent to the first color's complement. In this case, the mint green would be the first color, and then the yellows and oranges would be the colors adjacent to mint green's complement.) Even that term doesn't describe this color scheme perfectly, but it's close.

Finally, I went to and picked one of their "coloring pages." They have a lot of different tools online that are supposed to imitate Crayola products, so I used those tools to color in this picture. Is my kindergarten showing?

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