Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mad Gestalt Tea Party

This image uses several Gestalt principles that help us to see a skeleton. First, there's figure/ground because we distinguish the figure of the skeleton as separate from the black background. Then there is the similarity of the letters (they are all white) as well as their proximity to one another. This helps us perceive them as a group.

This skeleton picture was sort of my inspiration for the image that I created. I wanted to do something with words or letters but I did it a little differently. I took the text from the mad tea party chapter of Alice in Wonderland and then I changed the color of some of the letters to create the image of a tea cup.

The gestalt principles at work here are:

Figure/Ground - You perceive the grey words as background and the blue/green words as the object.

Similarity - The mind perceives the blue words as a tea cup because they are similar in color.

Proximity - This also contributes to the mind seeing the words as a tea cup because if the blue/green words were spread out, they would not be perceived as a group and you wouldn't see the tea cup.

Closure - The mind perceives the tea cup shape as an enclosed space even though there aren't any lines that distinctly separate it from the the grey words.

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