Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Make a Change.

I  created this acronym because I thought it would be visually interesting and make some one think. I started with the word "change" and looked up synonyms. Changes come in many forms, so with each of the different synonyms I wanted the word to have a different type face, but I wanted change to have the same type face and color throughout the word. By doing this, the change is what stands out, and with each different font it grabs the readers attention. The only word that isn't a synonym is "hinder," which is an antonym to change. I thought I would through this word in because it showed a difference from the other words, and showed what holds change back.  Even, the type face looks like it is fading, almost to the point that the word is trying to "change." The whole point of this is so that people will embrace changes in their lives. Change isn't always the easiest thing, especially as you get older, so choose now to make the changes you need in your life so you don't have to try to make changes later.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I really like the type on each one of these words separately-good work with that. I'm not sure how well they flow when they are all together though. Just one guys thought.
