Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Give Blood

For this assignment I decided to make my call of action be to "Give Blood."  I know that there is a constant need for more blood donations, so I thought I decided to put myself in the mind of someone working for the Red Cross. How can I use typography to my advantage and demonstrate the great need we have for people to give blood?

Here above I used tracking to my advantage and had blood droplets drop down along with the letters that spell out "blood". This in a way expresses the visually the processes of donating blood, while also expressing the lack of sufficient blood going into the cross of the Red Cross. The cross is always completely red, so by making it only half full in this image, people automatically can assume that supplies are low and feel a greater need to donate. I also messed with the structure as well as the emphasis of the letters spelling out "give" to emphasize the action of the verb, hopefully creating the lasting impressing in peoples minds that they need to give.


  1. I think the "G" and the "E" frame the rest of the word nicely.

  2. I think the "G" and the "E" frame the rest of the word nicely.
