Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Typography: Special Olympics

My 'call to action' was to get involved in Special Olympics. I wanted to draw the eye to "heart" and "special olympics," so I made them red. I used font sizes and style (uppercase) to draw attention, especially to the word "heart." The statement doesn't really make you automatically think of the special olympics, and makes viewers wonder what it is, they therefore need to focus more on the special olympics portion. I used red for the heart because of society's association with love and emotion with red. I think it makes you link the emotion of the heart with service and serves as a powerful message. I believe the white space really helps in drawing full attention to the words. These are already powerful words, that without an image it is enough. I also had the association of the muscle and strength with the entire concept of special olympics, since it is a sporting event that requires endurance and love. 


1 comment:

  1. The right hand justification makes this interesting. good work.
